At the beginning of each year I like to take a look back at what I did creatively in the previous year. One of the biggest reasons I started blogging was to have a place to keep track of all I had created since I give most of it away. Today we will be looking at what was going on in my sewing room. I didn't get as much time in my favorite room as I would like in 2016, but it still saw enough action to get a few things made. ;)
This quilt top was finished just in the nick of time for our January reveal at my local SouthSoundModernQuiltGuild or SSMQG. I don't have a picture of it yet, but you can believe I will be posting about it in a future Sew Saturday. Here's just one picture of the progress of my Patchwork City QAL.
Clicky for blog post
My niece enjoying the quilt I made her. I love that a piece of me is with her all the time, even though I live 650 miles away.
Clicky for original post (lots of quilts from Sew Expo)
Clicky for original post (lots of quilts from Sew Expo)
One of the reasons I did not quilt as much as I would have liked in 2016 was because I traveled almost every month. I took several trips down to CA to see my baby niece and my ailing Grandma. On this trip just before Grandma's birthday I was able to show her the quilt I made for her. Her response still cracks me up as I re-read it today. I'm glad I kept a record of it here on my blog.

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Olympia Arts Walk. Our guild challenge was to make an improv quilt with the floral fabric you see below. Here is what I came up with.
Clicky to read more about Arts Walk
Come back tomorrow and I will share the second half of 2016 from my sewing room.

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Olympia Arts Walk. Our guild challenge was to make an improv quilt with the floral fabric you see below. Here is what I came up with.
Clicky to read more about Arts Walk
Come back tomorrow and I will share the second half of 2016 from my sewing room.
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